Crop Drop

At all of our sites, we have a donation partner and Crop Drop was our first partnership and we're so proud of what we have achieved together as a community!


For two years now we have partnered with the fantastic Crop Drop, ran by volunteers, that on a weekly basis come and collect what our members have chosen to donate from their patch and distribute to charities within the area. One of the charities that our produce goes to is Mercy In Action, a pantry that charges nominal fees or FOC to their users for the produce in there, to ensure those that are on low income can still eat nutritious food. The other is Weston Community Hub, where people and families on low income can come to and eat for free, so the produce all our members donate then gets cooked into creative, nutritious meals for them to enjoy!

We were proud to donate over 3,000 portions of veg in 2023 and this year they have collected x35 drops from us, and our allotments have been donating from 24th June to 11th November - we were the earliest and latest to be donating in the area!

We're so thankful to Fiona and the team at Crop Drop for being the middle person between our members, and the people that need this beautiful produce the most.

Book your welcome slot

Kickstart your Roots Allotments adventure by booking your Welcome Slot. After paying the £40 joining fee, you’ll tour your patch, meet your patch manager, and receive your starter kit. Once everything’s set, you’ll be ready to start growing!

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