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Good vibes projects

Where Roots gets to support a school, CIC or charity to get them growing! Whether it's overhauling their growing space or offering them a chance to grow on site at one of our communities.

Have a look at our completed projects

Venturers Academy

Roots went on site, to overhaul their growing space and make it accessible and fun for their young people to grow!


This was a project to help the users of YMCA to transform their outdoor space to feel like a space of tranquility and growth!

Black Farmer's Market CIC

Obie was a member of ours and came to us with a proposal on behalf of BFM with a passion for growing & community (just like us!)

Crop Drop

At all of our sites, we have a donation partner and Crop Drop was our first partnership and we're so proud of what we have achieved together as a community!

CreArt Collective CIC

We have a special relationship with CreArt Collective, who have created a safe community to support women and families seeking asylum and refuge.