Venturers Academy

Roots went on site, to overhaul their growing space and make it accessible and fun for their young people to grow!


We were thrilled when Robyn-Lee and the team at Venturer's Academy got in touch to ask for our help to sort out their growing space on site. This was to be a space for tranquility for the young people with SEN where they could learn and for the first time grow their own. Although, they had tried in the past, they needed a bit of help making the space work for them!

So we got to work - together! This is what we achieved:

  • Cleared and cleaned their greenhouse space so it was a functional indoor area
  • Covered, composted and replanted their planters
  • Made more planters to increase the amount they can grow
  • Cleared their seating area and erected a sail
  • Painted their benches with the young people
  • Made a pond to attract more wildlife in
  • Created a composting area for them
  • Strimmed and cleared the area at the back
  • Restructured fruit bushes for stability

The long term plan for this area is for it to become the garden that supplies what will one day be a cafe run by the young people!

Book your welcome slot

Kickstart your Roots Allotments adventure by booking your Welcome Slot. After paying the £40 joining fee, you’ll tour your patch, meet your patch manager, and receive your starter kit. Once everything’s set, you’ll be ready to start growing!

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