Patch Fritters

Learn how to make Kate's Patch Fritters. The most delicious way to use any kind of veg you have plenty of in the summer. Your new favourite recipe for the glut of courgettes at the patch!

Top Tips:

- No need for a fancy food processor here, you can just grate or roughly chop your veg

- Use your hands as your utensils!

- You can substitute the flour for a gluten-free option such as gram flour which gives a beautiful golden colour

Growing & Harvesting Tips:

- Habanero chilli are more fruity than spicy, they grow best undercover or even potted inside your house.

- Spring onions are fantastic things to grow all year round! They can even over winter. A great way to add big flavour to any dish, raw or cooked.

- Garlic chives are perennial and will flower twice a year, their pretty purple petals add a pop of colour to your food and are so tasty!

- Beetroots are superfoods, by growing your own, you enjoy a much less earthy taste than supermarket varieties




Cylindra beetroot

Spring onion

Chives ( & chive flowers)


Nigella seeds

Smoked paprika

Habanero chilli


Organic spelt flour

How to:

- Chop the tops of the carrot and grate

- Repeat with your beetroot

- Chop the courgette for a variety of textures

- Add sliced spring onion

- Chop up your chilli and add this into your mix of chopped/grated veggies with some garlic chives, herbs & spices

- Add an egg to your mixture as well as salt and pepper

- Get your oil in the pan and pop it on the heat

- Add 4 tbsp of flour

- Mix to combine all of the herbs, spices and flavour - don’t over-mix so you can still see the differences in colours and textures

- You want it to almost feel like a cake batter so it sits well in the pan

- Make patties &Shallow Fry - or half bake in the oven before frying

- Wait until they hold together before flipping them

- Perfect with some yoghurt on top, you can add some harissa to this for extra deliciousness!- Garnish with fresh herbs and lemon to taste

Step 15
Step 15

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