Pickles & Ferments

Have you tried fermenting & pickling your produce? Kate shows us how to extend the life of your veggies by safely storing them to enjoy through the year. Find out the amazing benefits these tasty recipes can have for our gut health!

An exciting and fun way to preserve your fresh produce; processed & stored in the most traditional way.

Starting with a simple pickling liquor, you can experiment with different flavours. Using herbs that don't overwinter such as basil, make amazing dressings.  Try any of your raw veg: cabbage & other interesting veggies like kohlrabi!

Pickles use vinegar such as apple cider vinegar.

For ferments you just need salt, which uses natural bacteria from fruit & veg lactose-bacillus - so good for you!

Pickle Ingredients:

- Cucumber

- Equal parts water and vinegar

- 2 tbsp sugar- 2 tbsp salt

- Choose your herbs & spices for aromatics

Ferment Ingredients:

- Outer cabbage leaves

- Golden beetroot

- Radishes

- Carrots

- Salt

So versatile, store for up to a year and pop a bit on the side of your favourite meal.

Step 15
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