A new bed - plantings and harvests over five years
Small space successions with a course summary
No Dig Gardening

This lesson is about one bed. We assembled, filled and planted it on 7 May 2015.

Below I describe the timeline of harvesting those May plantings, followed by a second and a few third plantings in that same year. We then look at subsequent years of growth in this bed. I used it to trial some exotic vegetables, in terms of the UK climate, and some rarely grown ones too.

Some details from the video
Plant spacings
Plantings/sowings and harvests - part one
Plantings/sowings and harvests - part two
Autumn harvests and last plantings
The next four years - part one
The next four years - part two
Step 15
Step 15

Follow with:

Furthing viewing:

  • Plant spaces: in this video I explain how closer or wider spacings speed growth and harvests
  • More tips on growing chicory in this video
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