Organic mulches
Weeds: know, understand, clear with no dig
No Dig Gardening

Over the next two lessons we will explore mulching (covering) to smother existing weeds, so they die in darkness. In this lesson we focus on mulches of organic matter, and in Lesson 11 we look at non-organic mulches, such as plastic fabric and woven covers.

To consolidate what I have already shown and explained in earlier lessons, we’ll concentrate on three aspects:

  1. What makes an organic mulch successful in killing weeds: the principles and requirements.
  2. Time sequences of mulching while also cropping: how the two can happen simultaneously.
  3. Potential problems with edges, and the need and methods for keeping them clean and in the same place.

Anna Mcleish on Facebook, September 2018:

‘Thanks to no dig I am – for the first time since starting an allotment five years ago – spending this time of year making the allotment nice and tidy, pruning trees, seeing to compost and planning next year. Normally I’m hacking down six foot plants and weeds and ranting that I’m giving it up. It is so much easier it’s unreal.’

Organic mulches, year one
Five starting points in terms of weeds - part one
Five starting points in terms of weeds - part two
Types of organic mulches
Examples - part one
Examples - part two
Step 15
Step 15

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