Staying weed free – ‘little & often’
Weeds: know, understand, clear with no dig
No Dig Gardening

Gardening is so much more fun when you are in control of the weed situation, rather than the other way around. No dig helps enormously, but even so you need to be in the habit of dealing with new weed growth. This is whenever it’s mild and moist enough for seeds to germinate, or for perennial weed roots to grow.

31 May, and new plantings in the polytunnel – if it weren’t for no dig there would be many weeds at this stage; we have hardly weeded at all
7b. Close plantings result in less chance for weeds to grow. This is September
September – close plantings result in less chance for weeds to grow
19. I am hunting for weeds in October, not finding many, still worth it though
October – hunting for weeds; I did not find many, but it was still worth looking

There is a nice phrase used for dealing with the first flush of new weed germination in early spring – a weed strike. It’s about catching them very young, and using minimum time for maximum effect.

The ideal period for weed strikes is before you sow and transplant, usually in late winter to early spring. Normally you use a hoe or rake, passing it lightly through the surface. Hand weeding is possible for smaller areas.

Hand weeding is fun when there are few
Weed knowledge – featuring oxalis
Hoeing works for tiny weeds, and saves time if there are many
Raking can be a weeding option
Stages of growth for weeding
When to hand weed
Weeding motivation
Step 15
Step 15

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