A three strip trial and continuous cropping
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No Dig Gardening

Comparing forking/no dig, different composts, and no rotation

A trial I have run since 2013 looks to understand the effects on plant growth of soil cultivation, compost use, and no rotation. Or I should say minimal rotation, as you see below.

The trial came about after meeting some Japanese growers near Avebury. They followed the Shumei teachings of Mochiki Okada (1882–1955), who advocated cultivating gratitude to soil for health in mind and body:

  • No compost or manure is added to soil, as this can prevent it from achieving its ‘natural composition of complexity and balance’.
  • No rotation, so continuous cropping of the same plants in the same place every year, to ‘encourage growth of specific soil organisms beneficial to each one’.
  • Seed is saved, so that all seeds contain the genetic information they require to grow best in the location and soil they ‘know’.
  • Weeds are tolerated and so is cultivation. At Avebury they even use a rotavator – I observed this frequently during the time I was working with them.

I like some of their approach, except for one thing in particular: I feel no dig and surface mulching both express maximum gratitude to soil! The only home-saved seeds I use are climbing and broad/fava beans. All other seeds are from Bingenheimer Saatgut, raised in the broadly similar climate of Germany and organic or biodynamic as well.

2. Start of the trial January 2013, with strip 1 being dug by the Japanese growers
January 2013 – the start of the trial, with Strip 1 being dug by the Japanese growers
2a. Strip 2 mulched with cardboard & landscape fabric, strip 1 is all dug with the turves turned over
Strip 2 has been mulched with cardboard and landscape fabric; Strip 1 has all been dug, with the turves turned over
3. Steph spreading old cow manure on part of what becomes strip 3
Spreading old cow manure on part of what will become Strip 3
4. Covering strips 2 and 3 with polythene to exclude light and kill weeds
Covering Strips 2 and 3 with polythene, to exclude light and kill weeds
The Three Strip Trial
Changes in 2014
Green manures or vegetables?
Photos and tables for 2019 show strip 3 catching up, continuous cropping going well
No rotation of potatoes and cabbages
Step 15
Step 15

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