Paths - how they feed your plants and how to look after them
Plot layout beds and paths
No Dig Gardening

Why bother with paths and beds?

Forty years ago, most gardeners grew on level ground, with plants in rows and walking space between. Then, gradually, raised beds made appearances in a few gardens. Nowadays beds are almost the default method, as their benefits are acknowledged.

Yet there has been less attention paid to the spaces between and around beds. I see time and money being spent on paths, and bed sides too, but without always the necessary understandings on how to maintain paths, and how the soil in paths can work for us. This lesson considers many of the issues.

Path characteristics:

  • They are permanent, in the same place every year.
  • Mulched soil in paths maintains structure, fertility and moisture – available to plant roots from the bed edges.
  • They are not just ‘ground to walk on’, but part of your growing space.
How paths relate to beds
Weed free paths
How not to have paths
Path width
Path mulches - part one
Path mulches - part two
A sequence, from weeds to clean paths
Edges to a whole plot - part one
Edges to a whole plot - part two
Step 15
Step 15

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